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Writer's pictureL.L. Hunter

Where do you Write?

Many authors have a favourite place that inspires them to get their words down.

Some also have a ritual, that if they don’t get the exact recipe, or follow the same pattern, it can throw off their ‘flow’.

For some it’s a separate office, for others it’s taking your laptop to bed while they watch their favourite show, a cup of steaming herbal tea beside them.

And then there are some authors who can write in the middle of a crowded, noisy café.

I, for one, can’t write in public, especially a noisy café with people chatting and the noises of the coffee machine in the background. But, some are happy to write amongst other people.

I need my solace personally. Whether it be at my desk in my bedroom, or while I’m away on retreat, I need to be by myself to write, with music playing on my headphones.

I also need a glass of water, whether it be sparkling, or still, but it must be cold, and a cup of coffee or tea, depending on the time of day. On the type of music I play while writing, I usually just play Taylor Swift.

While writing this blog post, it made me think about how others write, and their routines.

So, I asked my fellow BFA staff members, who are also writers, to spill the tea on their writing spots, routines and rituals.

Alexandra said she needs to have music playing and a comfortable environment, and she can write anywhere but prefers to go to cafes. Ivana told me she has a few favourite spots: a comfortable armchair, her desk with a candle lit, and she can even write on the train – but she always must have her sound cancelling headphones with music playing and a cup of tea.

I find all these different routines fascinating. It goes to show how writers write and that where they write really can make a difference. Each writer is unique, and it reflects in their imaginations and in their amazing books.

Even the time of day can affect the muse.

Quinn said they tend to write better at night than during the day.

I myself am a daytime writer, as by night time, I am far too tired to work.

If you’re a writer, feel free to comment below and tell me where you like to write, and if you must have music playing or quiet, if you have a favourite drink, etc.

I’d love to know!

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