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Writer's pictureL.L. Hunter

Artificial Intelligence VS the creative artist

Opinion piece

Not many subjects get me more fired up when it comes to authors and the rights of creative people, then when their jobs are threatened. And one of my many bug bears on the subject is the topic of AI and people using it to ‘create’ art.

I recently wrote a blog post about AI and the death of the human artist on my own blog, where I talk about the ways various creative jobs are being threatened.

Not only that, but it really gets on my nerves when people claim to have written a book or created a piece of digital art or a book cover, when all they did was put a few words into an AI generator website and the computer spat out their ‘work’.

Just, no.

You do not get to call yourself an artist if you did not create that work yourself, if you did not pour countless hours, blood, sweat, tears, and dreams into this piece. If you did not use your nightmares, traumas and life experiences to form the substance and subject of this creative work, you do not get to call yourself an artist.

That is what it means to be an artist. That is what it means to be human.

And AI can not replicate this.

To call yourself an artist, an author, you have to sit down at the keyboard and actually write the words. The words have to come from your brain, not some computer.

This is pure laziness.

In my opinion, so is ghostwriting.

Authors and publishers have used ghostwriters for decades. Yes, some popular bestsellers have actually been written by ghostwriters for big name authors. But in my opinion, and this blog is just that, an opinion piece, please don’t call yourself an author if you have not actually written the book that has your name on the cover. No one else will absolutely be able to copy someone else’s unique voice.

Do the actual work. Turn blood, sweat, tears and dreams into ink on paper. Write about your experiences, vent your frustrations and talk about life traumas on the page. The end result will be nothing short of magical, real, authentic, and human.

And AI can not replicate that.

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